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LEAD to the Future 2023

未來技能工作坊 x 2023全港大專生商業個案比賽 
​Future Skills Workshop x Business Case Competition

回看「LEAD to the Future」自去年才開始的旗艦工作計劃, 根據世界經濟論壇發布的《2020年未來就業報告》及麥肯錫的全球報告都指出未來技能 (Future Skills) 在將來的重要性。但去年的籌委會的本地街訪結果顯示本地青年人對未來技能並不了解。最近,ChatGPT成為全球熱話。與此同時,不少本地企業都將將業務數據化,以迎合科技發展,將商業與科技結合。因此,本年港島青年商會除了繼續會在未來技能範疇進行更深入的推廣,而且會加入Digital元素,讓大學生們能更早認識到未來如何在現實商業世界中應用。



Flash back to 2022, 'The Future of Jobs 2020'  published by World Economic Forum and the report by McKinsey & Company pointed that the future skills will be necessary to employee in the future; however, the street interview in last year reflected that there is low awareness from local young people towards future skills. Recently, ChatGPT has become a global hot topic. Meanwhile, most enterprises are digitizing their operations to keep up with technological developments and integrate business with technology. In 2023, JCI Island does not only promote "Future Skills" in the society, but also educate local university students the concept of Digital in the real business world.


The project is separated by two parts. First of all, a series of future skills workshops will be offered.   We have invited distinguished business leaders and training experts for sharing their insights on a wide range of topics including business management, data analysis and digital marketing.   Let’s join us to enhance your competitiveness and employability. Secondly, all full time students from 22 higher education institutions are eligible to register for our business case competition.   A team of 4 to 5 students have to submit a written proposal based on the given business case.  Only 10 teams will be shortlisted for the final competition. On the competition day, the shortlisted teams will provide most valuable business solutions on Business Development Plan in their presentation to our judges.   

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我們希望「LEAD to the Future」參加者 (包括義工) 能夠在領導才能,企業家精神,人生志向,事業發展方面都有所得著。參加者及義工更有機會認識不同的商界領袖及培訓專家,擴展他們的人際網絡,從而獲得正面改變。


We wish that “LEAD to the Future” participants, including volunteers and helpers, can achieve some accomplishments in Leadership, Entrepreneurship, Ambition and Development.  Moreover, they can expand their professional network and create positive change through interacting with our distinguished business leaders and training experts.


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有意參與商業個案比賽的參加者可自行組隊(4 至 5人),隊長可先收集隊員的資料後,再為隊伍透過以下連結報名: 已截止




For Business Case Competition
Participants of business case competition can form a team with 4 - 5 teammates, team leader should collect the data of your teammates and register through the following link of this competition: Application closed

For Future Skills Workshops

The workshops will be opened for public to join, participants can register the workshops for free via the registration link:


LEAD to the Future - 比賽指引:
​LEAD to the Future - Instruction:


If you have any enquiry, please feel free to direct message us by our social media platforms.


JCI Island Social Media Platforms:


  • Instagram
  • Facebook
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榮譽贊助 LEAD Sponsor :
​合作伙伴及鑽石贊助 Partner & Diamond Sponsor:
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製作支持 Production Support  :
市場推廣及公關支持 Marketing & PR Support  :
支持機構 Supporting Organizations (排名不分先後)  :
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Thanks for applying to support us! We'll get back to you soon.

Our Organizing Committee will contact you after Submit.

© 2025 by JCI Island

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