LEAD to the Future 2022
未來技能工作坊 x 全港大專生商業個案比賽
Future Skills Workshop x Business Case Competition
「LEAD to the Future」是港島青年商會2022年度其中一項全新旗艦工作計劃, 構思來自世界經濟論壇發布的《2020年未來就業報告》所提及的未來技能(主要包括解決問題、自我管理、與人合作以及技術使用和發展),旨在啟發青年人對未來技能的認識,提升他們商業觸覺以及強化他們日後在大灣區發展的能力。
Initiated by JCI Island, “LEAD to the Future” is our 2022 flagship project designed for developing young people’s future skills, nurturing their business sense and building up their better understanding in the Greater Bay Area ("GBA") opportunities. The project concept comes from the Top Ten Skills of 2025 (e.g. problem solving, self management, working with people, technology use and development) under “The Future of Jobs (2020)” published by the World Economic Forum.
First of all, a series of future skills workshops will be offered. We have invited distinguished business leaders and training experts for sharing their insights on a wide range of topics including business management, technology development and digital marketing. Let’s join us to enhance your competitiveness and employability.
Secondly, all full time students from 22 higher education institutions are eligible to register for our business case competition. A team of 4 to 5 students have to submit a written proposal based on the given business case. Only 10 teams will be shortlisted for the final competition. Each team will be assigned with one mentor for providing guidance and support. On the competition day, the shortlisted teams will provide most valuable business solutions on GBA Development Plan in their presentation to our judges.

我們希望「LEAD to the Future」參加者 (包括義工) 能夠在領導才能,企業家精神,人生志向,事業發展方面都有所得著。參加者及義工更有機會認識不同的商界領袖及培訓專家,擴展他們的人際網絡,從而獲得正面改變。
We wish that “LEAD to the Future” participants, including volunteers and helpers, can achieve some accomplishments in Leadership, Entrepreneurship, Ambition and Development. Moreover, they can expand their professional network and create positive change through interacting with our distinguished business leaders and training experts.

Please register in the individual link of future skills workshops if you are interested.


「LEAD to the Future」全港大專生商業個案比賽報名反應十分熱烈,最終共有 92 隊來自本地大學的隊伍參賽,近100名在職人士參與線上未來技能工作坊,直接影響近700人。
「LEAD to the Future」Business Case Competition got an overwhelming response, there were total 92 teams from local universities, over 100 working people participated the online Future Skills Workshops, direct impact to nearly 700 people.


Team 2202
Students: Song Xiao Ping (CUHK), Kan Wing Kiu (CUHK), Lin Yu Xiao (CUHK), Fan Ka Yi (CUHK), Lau Pui Hung (CUHK)
Team 2236
1st Runner up:
Students: Yip Chun Yan (HKU), Chan Lok Yan (HKU), Wong Suet Ying (HKU), Wong Sze Nga (HKU)
Students: Lau Tsz Yee (HKU), Chung Sze Ki (HKU), Chen Choi Ying (HKU), Lam Cho Ling (HKU)
Team 2243
2nd Runner up:
Team 2250
3rd Runner up:
Students: Lam Ki Yuk Annika (HKU), Ching Tia Yik Ethan (HKU), Wong Si Wing (HKU), Ho Lam Hiu (HKU), Law Yun Laam (HKU)
Team 2288
Fifth Place:
Students: Gao Zhenghao (PolyU), Zhao Yue (PolyU), Geng Le han (PolyU), Wang Hao (PolyU), Han NianGe (PolyU)
Sixth Place:
Seventh Place:
Eighth Place:
Ninth Place:
Tenth Place:
Team 2237
Students: Ling Cheuk Laam (CityU), Chong Tung Yim (CityU), Mok Ngo Ting (CityU), Ting Lok Ching (CityU)
Team 2239
Students: Chan Wai Yin (CUHK), Huang Jing (CUHK), Fan Yui Hei (CUHK), Yau Sin Ying (CUHK), Wong Yin Man (CUHK)
Team 2242
Students: Lai Tsz Yan (CUHK), Yeung Chun Kiu (CUHK), Kwan Cheuk Yin (CUHK), Cheung Sik Pui (CUHK), Tsui Pui Him (CUHK)
Team 2289
Students: Chan Sin Tung (CityU), Ho Yuet Ting (CityU), Chan Kwan Yin (CityU), Po Yee Man (CityU)
Team 2248
Students: Jiang Chen (HKUST), Song Xiaolong (HKUST), Liu Chengcheng (HKUST), Du Xiawei (HKUST), Jiang Ruoqiao (HKU)

榮譽贊助 LEAD Sponsor :

贊助及合辦機構 Sponsor & Co-organizer (排名不分先後) :

贊助機構 Sponsors (排名不分先後) :

協辦機構 Participating Organizations (排名不分先後) :

製作支持 Production Support :

市場推廣及公關支持 Marketing & PR Support :

支持機構 Supporting Organizations (排名不分先後) :