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Message from the President


I am deeply honored to serve as the President of JCI Island and extend my heartfelt gratitude to our Past Presidents and Board of Directors for their efforts. As we embark on our journey together in 2024, under the theme "TOGETHER," our primary focus is to foster unity and growth within our chapter, making a lasting impact.


In 2024, we aim to gather our members of JCI Island, elevate our members by providing them with valuable opportunities for sharing, exposure, and training, and provide them with different opportunities to transform their ability to contribute to our community and experience personal development.


At the community level, we are deeply concerned about the mental health of individuals. As the World Health Organization rightly states, "No mental health is no health." In response to this pressing issue, we are launching a new project called "MindShift." This initiative will focus on proactive screening for senior form students in Hong Kong, aiming to prevent unforeseen tragedies that often occur at the beginning of the academic year. It is our mission to make a positive impact on the lives of these vulnerable individuals.


As an affiliated chapter of Junior Chamber International Hong Kong, we value the connections with our sister chapters, offering our members a global perspective and expanding their international networks.


In this new era, marked by collaboration and community-building, we are dedicated to constructing a stronger chapter and making a meaningful difference. We humbly express our gratitude to our Honorary Life President, Past Presidents, Senators, Senior Members, and supporting organizations for your unwavering support. Together, with your continued dedication, we will devote ourselves to a successful year in 2024.


Once again, I am truly honored to lead JCI Island, and I am excited about the possibilities that lie ahead.

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